And so I knew I had to find a faster way to switch between windows on Mac, or build such a tool myself. HyperSwitch provides a compelling alternative to HyperDock for keyboard junkies.Whats NewVersion 0.2.365-dev: Fix an issue that. Techniques, and Processes 15 Three Alternative Symbol - Lock Detectors 16. One thing's for sure - when I feel that something hinders my productivity, I do something about it. Windows solves this nicely by providing the Alt + Tab shortcut which cycles through all the open windows, not just the apps. Having to first hammer Command + Tab multiple times to focus the app, be presented with an irrelevant window, and then cluelessly hammer Command + ` multiple times to focus the target window really seems unnecessary and a colossal waste of time, especially for professionals that have lots of windows open at the same time and need to switch between them constantly, i.e. GitHub - ygoe/HyperVSwitch: Hyper-V Switch A simple GUI to enable or disable Hyper-V without uninstallation, allowing the use of other virtualisation solutions. It can continuously switch between a pair of excitation wavelengths at a sufficiently high rate to characterize intracellular calcium transients using the fluorescence indicator fura-2. You'll first need to switch to the app of the target window, and then use Mac's dedicated window-switching shortcut, Command + ` (backtick), to cycle between the current app's open windows. Hyper-V Switch A simple GUI to enable or disable Hyper-V without uninstallation, allowing the use of other virtualisation solutions. The IonOptix HyperSwitch Light Source was designed with dual-excitation fluorescence indicators in mind. When you have multiple windows of the same app open at the same time, you won't be able to cycle through them with Command + Tab alone.
I've started making the transition to Mac OS X after developing for more than 10 years on Windows and one of the primary discomforts so far is the fact that Mac's equivalent of Window's window-switching shortcut is actually not a window switching shortcut.

Boost Your Productivity with HyperSwitch for Mac OS X Feb 5, 2016