The minimum recommended starting point to dive into Expert-difficulty Advanced Dragon Trials, and a requirement for building Agito weaponry. Requires owning a fully upgraded non-elemental Core 5 weapon and Smithy Level 7 or higher.Very slightly stronger than a core weapon when max unbound at 8UB, and can unlock a +30% bane ability versus a High Dragon for all weapons of its specified wielder's element and weapon type, as well as various other abilities countering Void Battle-exclusive conditions. For some recommended shared skills, see the Skill Share Guide. While these are slow to charge up, they can provide various useful effects for dealing with some fights' mechanics. Your lead adventurer can equip up to two shared skills in solo and co-op. For farming locations, see the Augments article. This amount is further multiplied by facility bonuses and stat-boosting abilities, and can provide a substantial increase in stats. Augments - Fortifying Crystals and Amplifying Crystals can add up to +100 base HP and +100 base strength to an adventurer.Some adventurers require materials from Trials of the Mighty to unlock and unbind their mana spirals.A small, limited amount of ADT materials may be obtained from trading Fafnir Medals.

Some of the later nodes in the mana spiral require materials dropped in Advanced Dragon Trials.Additionally, for adventurers that have a mana spiral, those nodes should also be unlocked as far as possible. Mana Circles and Mana Spirals - for adventurers without mana spirals, at a minimum, 45 nodes - only missing the Damascus Crystal (costs Champion's Testament) and co-ability (costs Eldwater) nodes) - in the base mana circle should be unlocked.Promotions - 3 and 4 adventurers should be promoted all the way up to 5.Given the difficulty of endgame quests, adventurers should generally be upgraded as much as possible to maximize the chances of success. The boost is very backloaded: 30% dragon damage is in the last 10 levels, so it is generally best to pursue this facility only after you can beat HDT.At max, these give +50% dragon damage, which is massive and essential for making dragon forms viable. Max your dracoliths as soon as you are able to.
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Has large increases in bonus stats granted at levels 16 and 31. Facilities that increase the stats of adventurers are a large contributor to a unit's HP and strength, and leveling them is a crucial step for preparing for endgame content.